Learn some of the best practices for building a Template for your Virtual Desktop environment and gain insight from leading industry experts.
Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery for KVM Based Production Platforms Increasingly, organizations are aware that Disaster Recovery (DR) options, and solutions, no longer need to be based on the same vendor solution as the Production environments and that these solutions can be more affordable.
Learn how you can properly size storage to meet the right IOPS resource requirements for Windows 10 and its different configurations to maximize the performance of your Windows 10 Virtual Desktop pools. This is an easy-to-digest guide, even for IT pros who are not Network Architects.
Hive USX™ was built from the ground up to both replace IL IO and extend the capabilities of the ILIO platform into new areas with additional architectures. Walk through the numerous features of Hive USX that have been added and significantly improved to see all functionality upgrades that have had considerable improvements.
Citrix Xendesktop is a popular solution that allows multiple users to remotely access and operate Microsoft Windows desktops running in a datacenter. But for many IT organizations, the cost of running the complete Citrix datacenter solution is cost prohibitive.
For too long, IT has been thought of as a cost center, where the increased demands and shrinking budgets put it at odds with being responsive to new business requirements.
Now is the time for IT to take its place as a critical driver to business success by creating a modern data center and taking advantage of technologies that have matured over many years, including virtualization and convergence.
Download this free book on how to avoid complexity and create the modern data center necessary for your future.
The Competitiveness of New DaaS Offering Software-defined storage solution to launch hosted virtual desktop service that outperforms with impressive performance and greater scalability.
A New York Hospital Standardizes on Hive Fabric and drives cost savings. A powerful VDI solution creates cost savings enabled by this platform as a key driver for selection and adoption.
Better Performance, Simple Management with Hive Fabric. Private School in North Carolina simplified their data center, reduced TCO by more than 50%, and expanded VDI capabilities with Hive Fabric.
Heating Up Desktop Performance.
Improves Desktop performance and reliability while removing the cost barriers to deploying VDI based on Citrix XenDesktop.
Hill Air Force Base Keeps Its Data Center Flying High while achieving increased agility and cost-efficiency.
Build your on-premise cloud for half the cost. Learn how one Software Defined Data Center platform creates endless possibilities.
Branch offices, small offices, manufacturing facilities and any other ROBO demand a reliable, cost-effective, easy-to-deploy and manage solution.
Secured Virtualized Applications with in-built backup and Disaster Recovery Capabilities.